An Average Day Of Tragedy

Mr. F points a slender index finger to the heavens and states calmly – “it’s okay doctor… Je-sus will protect me.” I had just said I was sorry there was nothing more we could offer, and he was going to die. He definitely understood though…right? It had...

Uncertainty Abounds For The Hospitalized Patient

Medicine has undoubtedly come a long way. Paternalism has been ditched in favor of a shared decision making approach, diagnoses and treatments are (largely) based on scientific evidence, and information is not outright withheld from patients out of some misplaced...

Patients Need Better Information In Hospitals

Countless others have written of the injustices faced by those lucky enough to be patients in the developed world in 2014 (as opposed places like West Africa where hospital systems are severely lacking). Some of the pain points for patients surround access to care in...