Even prior to the novel coronavirus threat, the hundred billion dollar supplement industry was projected to grow immensely with half of adults report using one or more dietary supplements.

Patients have been essentially stuck in a healthcare system that is in fact a sick-care system – where we spend the majority of our resources in our final year of life battling diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It seems that increasingly we are all becoming more interested in taking some control; optimizing our diet, sleep, stress management  and trying to use supplements for preventative measure. There are numerous adventurous entrepreneurs, physicians, life coaches and registered dieticians experimenting on themselves and selling their vision of longevity.

The reality is however that the standard American diet (SAD) likely contributes more to the prevalence of chronic diseases than any lack of a specific mineral, vitamin or miracle supplement. Diet likely plays the most important role in our health. Patients may find themselves confused (like me) because there seem to be two divergent camps; paleo and plant-based – that both swear by the doctrines to ward off illness. (I myself have been trying to strictly adhere to a plant-based diet since the new year).

Besides getting adequate sleep, managing stress and maintaining a healthy diet, some wonder whether there are there any supplements that can protect healthcare professionals against COVID-19 or “boost” the immune system? Like many things in medicine – the answer is likely “more research is needed.” Humans are prone to doing things despite scientific evidence; we rely heavily on hunches or how we ‘feel’ about a particular intervention. I am no different.

My own list right now includes the following (NOTE-not medical advice and certainly not related in any way to COVID-19!) –
Vitamin D




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